Once you get the financing you need to start your own business, the next step on the practical entrepreneurship process is naturally to roll out the new business. Now the eventual success or otherwise of the business will to a great extent depend on how well you roll out.
Ideally, the internal version of the business plan (the one you use for your own operations) should have a section on how you will eventually roll out the business, and it is this that you should use as the blueprint for the roll out.
Take note, however, that things don’t always go as planned. As in all steps towards starting your own business, you cannot afford to be rigid during the roll out. You have to adjust the plans you had developed, probably fueled by the rush of emotions that comes with the inspiration to start your own business in the face of actual unfolding realities.
Don’t panic when things don’t go according to plan in the roll out phase of starting business. Once you panic here, you lose the rational approach to things – and risk having your efforts at starting business coming to naught.
As you go about rolling out your new business too, you need to read widely on the subject of entrepreneurship, and ensure that you are ‘getting things right.’ Be open to other people’s insights. Don’t be wise in your own conceit. Remember, it is how well you roll out the business that ‘set the standards’ for rest of the duration that the new business is to last.