There seems to be consensus among many commentators on this subject that making your first sale – also called proof of concept – is the first sign that you have a viable new business idea.
Having the new business idea in the mind (or on paper) is not a major sign of success on the path to starting your own business. After all, many people have such good new business ideas, which never even see the light of the day. And neither is getting the financing you need to start your own business such a major sign of success on the road to starting business. After all, if what you got was a secured loan, it could be that the financier – assured that they would either get their money back or sell your security – did not bother to look too intently on your new business idea. So ultimately, it is your first sale that shows whether your new business idea is really good or what.
Granted, the ease with which you make your first sale depends on the business field you are in. The candy seller on the street corner will naturally have an easier time making their first sale, though this is not always as easy as it seems- than say, an Internet marketing consultant. But when all is said and done, it is only when you manage to make that first sale, or to get the first paying client that we can say that your efforts at starting business are finally seeing the light of the day.