The road towards starting business - also called the entrepreneurship process – can interfere with your personal life greatly.
Indeed people seeking to develop new business have been known to get so engrossed in their endeavors to such an extent that they find themselves unable to give any attention to their families’ needs or even (in the extreme cases) to their own needs. This is where you find a person who is working towards starting business getting so engrossed in developing plans and strategies that they actually forget to eat their breakfast and lunch, only to realize that they are hungry when it is time for dinner! This is also where you find a person working towards starting business getting so engrossed in working out the details on their new venture to an extent that they even stop seeing their friends completely.
Yet even as you go about starting your own business, you can still maintain a life-work balance. Remember, even if you manage to set up your own business successfully, you will still need your friends and family to share your success with (or to flaunt your success to) depending on your disposition.
You need to keep your priorities straight, even as you go about setting up your own business. You need to know why – ultimately – it is that you are looking to set up the new business. And when all is said and done, believe it or not, you are looking to set up then new business (albeit subconsciously) either to impress the people who matter to you with your financial success or to share your financial success with the various significant people in your life. Ensure then, that you don’t lose the very people you intent to impress with your success (or to share you success with) on the way to starting business, because if you do lose them, then your success at starting your own business won’t be as satisfying.