When many people learn that they will have to be separated from their significant others by distance – precipitating a long distance relationship – they wonder what the chances for their success in such a relationship are. It is not hard to sympathize with this cynicism about long distance love relationships, especially after reading and hearing the numerous stories by people whose previously thriving relationships started progressively cooling off upon their being separated by distance, before ultimately dying out altogether.
So what, realistically, are the chances for a long distance relationship to be successful?
Well, while there is no numerical answer to this question as all long distance relationships are unique, whether a long distance love relationship turns out to be successful depends on a number of factors.
Whether a long distance relationship turns out to be successful does, for one, depend on the level of commitment (also called love) between the partners. Partners who truly love one another (especially a woman who loves a man) have a difficult time finding motivation to cheat on their partners, the fact that the partner in question could be thousands of miles away notwithstanding.
Whether a long distance relationship turns out to be successful also depends on what is in the relationship for the partners in it. If the partners are already married (in a ceremony that was solemnized in front of many people) the egos of the partners will come on the line when they consider letting it die. Where the money question enters the picture also – like where one partner has gone to search for money which the other partner could come to benefit from, then the partner left behind might decide to hold onto the relationship the temptation to cheat notwithstanding, because after all, money does truly make the world go round.
Needless to say, of course, is that the health of the relationship before the factor which is causing the partners to be separated by distance arose will determine whether such a relationship can withstand the rigors of a long distance relationship. If a relationship was already floundering when the partners were close together, then they will find it really hard to nurse it back to health, and then maintain it as a long distance love relationship.