One of the major points of a long distance relationship is when the partners in the relationship get back together, whether temporarily (somewhere along the course of the long distance love relationship) or permanently (at the end of the long distance relationship). Of course, there are long distance relationships in which reunions are very frequent, like those where the couples just happen to be working in different cities, and where they can get together every weekend. Then there are long distance love relationships in which the partners have no way of ever getting together for the whole course of the relationship, like where one of the partners happens to be in the military and in a war situation, where the only opportunity for a reunion is at the end of that call of duty.
Reunions, too, have to be properly managed if the long distance relationship is to be termed as successful. An improperly managed reunion could (for instance) give the other partner the impression that you have not missed them, and possibly raise the suspicion that you were seeing someone on the side – with devastating consequences for the future of the relationship.
Ultimately, they key to a successful reunion after a long distance relationship (or during the course of such a long distance love relationship) is to make it obvious to your partner that you have missed them and that you are happy to be back together. The idea is to make them feel that they matter, because ultimately, the main reason we get into relationships is to have our self esteem built up by the feeling that we matter to someone else out there.
As you approach the reunion after a long distance relationship, you need to do so aware that your partner might not turn out the way you expected them. They might turn out having gained a few pounds here and there , having developed a frown on the face, having developed a beer belly – and anything in between. Yet it is your role to still welcome them, and show them that you missed them, and that you are glad to be with after such a long wait. You can address other pressing issues you feel need to be addressed later on, but at least, ensure that you make your reunion with your loved one after a long distance relationship pleasant.